Tag Archives: Barker the Lupin pup

Run Barker Run.

*BOOM* *click* *click* *THUD* *THUD*

Suddenly Barker was roused very quickly from his sleep as 10 tonnes of solid snow/ice fell on him from far above.
Barker, having spend the night under the southern citadel, looked straight up at the new gaping hole in the mountain citadels floor, covering his eyes with his paws as suddenly an ever increasing brightness filled the cavern, reflecting and deflecting of the varying surfaces of ice around him.

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Final Pickup

After hours of circling the locksmiths abode scanning for the latest secret entrance, Peri finally dove for the slightest of cracks that had just now presented itself becoming ever wider as the former royal falcon made his approach, before disappearing completely once Peri was inside.  Allen was known for playing games with his secret entrances, but this one had taken Peri much much longer than normal,  and this fact ruffled his feathers even more than usual.
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