Category Archives: My Writing

Perils Of Advancement

Daniel John Jacobson, Lord-Emperor of the known universe and soon to be former Warlord of no less than 15 galaxies, studied the dragon hide interior of his empires most powerful starship the Saphire Phantom contemplating his races final hours, when Sergai a longtime friend and captain of his guard approached from behind.

ā€œI miss the days when I was still a knight, Serg. Ignorant of all the lands beyond that of my liege lords estate and surrounding duchies. Serg, ā€™donā€™t you miss those times, life was much simpler then.ā€
ā€˜Knowing you as well as I do sire” Sergai said with a grin “had you wed the carpenters daughter on that night so long ago, i donā€™t doubt, weā€™d be in a similarly trying position, to that which we find ourselves in this day.”

ā€œTryingā€, Daniel chuckled “The Trident Gods weā€™ve awakened can propel entire star constellations at us, ā€œI think trying my old friend, may be understating it.ā€ ā€œWeā€™ll see Mā€™lordā€ replied Sergai watching as the Red Dwarf that had been tracking them raced towards them.

Diary Entry -Life of a Contractor “The Morning”

ā€˜Not again!ā€™ thought Vaughan as he rose out of bed. Yet again heā€™d wasted the perfect opportunity to make some serious inroads into the log jam of the mental To-Do list he had set the day before.

It was already 11:30 am on a Sunday and just like all the mornings before, heā€™d risen just as everyone else in his household were enjoying lunch. ā€˜Curse you Winterā€™ he rationalized before admitting too himself, that the real issue was that he was staring down a third week of disappointment.Prior to the weekend, heā€™d held on to the hope that his now former work, would honor their offer and have found the money they needed to keep him and his work mate on.

ā€œThe end of July, theyā€™d promised us!ā€ he reflected as he left his room and considered the prospect of joining the unemployment queue yet again, after barely 6 months as a member of his countries working class.

Blaming himself for thinking heā€™d be unaffected by the globe wide recession, he walked down the Hall as he pondered his next move.. To be continued